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Establishment History Panel (BHP)


Data source:

The Establishment History Panel (BHP) is composed of cross sectional datasets since 1975 for West Germany and 1992 for East Germany. Every cross section contains all the establishments in Germany which are covered by the IAB Employment History (BeH) on June 30th. These are all establishments with at least one employee liable to social security on the reference date. Establishments with no employee liable to social security but with at least one marginal part-time employee are included since 1999. The cross sections can be combined to form a panel.


The BHP contains information about the branch of industry and the location of an establishment. Furthermore, it reports the numbers of employees liable to social security and marginal part-time employees, both in total and broken down by gender, age, occupational status, qualification and nationality. Means and medians of wages for full-time employees are given, too. Additional datasets providing information about (gross) worker flows and about foundations and closures of establishments are available on request.

Data Versions

Old versions are only available for replication studies and only in justified exceptional cases for new Projects.

Data version (link to description of data version)

Research papers with BHP