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Sample of Integrated Employer-Employee Data (SIEED)


Data Source

The Sample of Integrated Employer-Employee Data (SIEED) is a 1.5 % sample of all establishments in the whole of Germany, which are recorded in the Employee History (BeH) at the middle of the year (reference date: June 30th). From 1975 to 1998 these are all establishments with at least one employee who is subject to social insurance contributions. From 1999, these establishments also include those that have no employees subject to social insurance but at least one marginal employee. For these establishments, the entire employment biographies of all the people employed in these establishments is made available over the entire period, whereby only employer notifications are taken into account. It is possible to track employment biographies for these people to the day, even when changing jobs. In addition, the data include the administrative establishment information from the Establishment-History-Panel (BHP) for all the establishments.


The administrative individual data contain information on the person such as gender, year of birth, nationality, education and place of residence, as well as information on employment such as daily wages, occupation, employment status, fixed-term contracts and temporary work. In addition, it is possible to track individual employment biographies to the day over the entire observation period.
The administrative establishment data contain information about the branch of industry and the location of an establishment. Furthermore, they report the numbers of employees liable to social security and marginal part-time employees, both in total and broken down by gender, age, occupational status, qualification and nationality. Means and medians of wages for full-time employees are given, too. Additional datasets providing information about (gross) worker flows and about foundations and closures of establishments are available on request.

Data Versions

Data version (link to description of data version)

Research papers with SIEED