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The picture shows one hand tapping the calendar on a tablet PC.

Appointment: locations and FDZ online calendar

Contact details for FDZ locations

The FDZ offers advisory service by its staff only at the location in Nuremberg. 

For further information on the data access see On-site Use.

Locations in Germany


Research Data Centre of the BA at the IAB
Institute for Employment Research (IAB) 
of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA)
Regensburger Str. 100
90478 Nuremberg, Germany

Contact person: Heiner Frank, Tabea Hartmann

Phone: +49 911 179-1752

Business hours: Monday to Thursday: 9 am – 5 pm und Friday 09 am - 3 pm

Appointments for guest stays in Nuremburg can be reserved online, by e-mail and by telephone. Here you can find more information and the link to the Locaboo booking calendar.


Forschungsdatenzentrum der Statistischen Landesämter (Research Data Centre of the statistical offices of the Länder)
at the DIW - Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung  (German Institute for Economic Research )
Mohrenstraße 58
10117 Berlin, Germany

Contact person: Anja Malchin

Phone: +49 331 8173-3300

Business hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 am - 12 am and 1 pm - 4 pm

Appointments for guest stays in Berlin can be reserved online. Here you can find more information and the link to the Locaboo booking calendar.

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Secure Data Center - Data Archive for the Social Sciences
GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
Unter Sachsenhausen 6 - 8
50667 Cologne, Germany

Contact person: Kara Nerenheim


Business hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Appointments for guest stays at the GESIS in Cologne can be reserved online. Here you can find more information and the link to the Locaboo booking calendar.


Forschungsdatenzentrum der Statistischen Landesämter (Research Data Centre of the statistical offices of the Länder)
(Regional office Kamenz/Dresden)
im Statistischen Landesamt des Freistaates Sachsen
Chemnitzer Straße 48a, Raum 207
01187 Dresden, Germany

Contact person: Dr. Urban Janisch

Phone: +49 351 463-42279, +49 3578 33-2140

Business hours:
Monday, Wednesday and by arrangement
10 am - 1.30 pm and 2.30 pm - 6 pm


Forschungsdatenzentrum der Statistischen Ämter der Länder  (Research Data Centre of the statistical offices of the Länder)
- Standort Hannover -
im Landesamt für Statistik Niedersachsen
Postfach 91 07 64
30427 Hannover, Germany

Contact person: Dr. Florian Köhler

Phone: +49 511 9898-3164

Business hours: 
Monday to Thursday: 9.30 am – 6 pm
Friday 9.30 am – 4 pm

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SafeRoom Mannheim
GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
Quadrat B6
68159 Mannheim, Germany

Contact person: Antje Bakker


Business hours: by arrangement only: Mo – Thu 10:00 am  – 4:00 pm

Appointments for guest stays at the GESIS in Mannheim can be reserved online. Here you can find more information and the link to the Locaboo booking calendar.


University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency (HdBA)
Library and Media
Seckenheimer Landstr. 16
68163 Mannheim, Germany

Contact person: Dominic Funk

Phone: +49 621/4209-294

Business hours:
Monday to Thursday: 9 am – 6 pm
Friday 9 am – 3:30 pm

Appointments for guest stays at the HDBA in Mannheim can be reserved online. Here you can find more information and the link to the Locaboo booking calendar.

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Location in France


Centre d’Accès Sécurisé aux Données (CASD)
The Polaris Building, ground floor
76 avenue Pierre Brossolette
92240 Malakoff, France

Phone : +33 (0)1 84 19 69 24
Email :
Website :

Business hours: Monday - Friday, 9 am – and - 5 pm by arrangement only

Location in Luxembourg


Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research - LISER
Maison des Sciences Humaines (5th floor)
11, Porte des Sciences
Esch/Alzette (Belval campus)

Contact person: Anna Dober

Phone: +352 58 58 55-1

Business hours:
Monday to Friday, 9 - 12 am
Monday to Wednesday, 1:30 - 4:30 pm

Location in Poland


Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
The Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management
Gagarina 13a, room 51
87-100 Toruń, Polen

Contact person: Michał Jagielski

Phone: +56-611/4767

Business hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am - 2:00 pm

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Locations in Spain


Banco de España
Plaza de Cataluña, 17.
08002 Barcelona, Spain

Contact person: Mireille García
Phone: 934 824 718

Contact person: Carla Díaz
Phone: 934 824 766

Business hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 3 pm


Banco de España
Alcalá, 522.
28027 Madrid, Spanien

Contact person: Ricardo Arcos

Phone: +34-913/386-918
Contact form

Business hours:
Monday - Thursday: 09 am - 5 pm
Friday: 09 am - 3 pm


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Calle Madrid 126
28903 Getafe (Madrid), Spanien

Contact person: Mercedes Palacios Jimenez

Phone: +34-916/249-287

Business hours: Monday - Friday, 09 am - 5 pm (see also calendar at

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Locations in USA, Canada and UK

In case you intend to analyse our data via on-site use at one of our locations in USA, Canada or UK please contact the FDZ at an early stage to agree upon the general conditions. Please note that the data have to undergo additional anonymization procedures if they are to be used in USA, Canada or UK, due to data protection regulations.

Alternating between locations in Germany / France and USA / Canada / UK in the course of the project is not possible without additional anonymization measures. During research visits in USA, Canada or UK of less than 9 months in the course of the project it is not possible to access the data via on-site use at one of our locations in USA, Canada and UK because the additional anonymization would cause disproportionate effort. In these cases it is still possible to analyse the data in USA, Canada or UK by using our online application JoSuA.

Once the data of a project have been further anonymized, it is not possible to switch back to the original version after switching to on-site locations in Germany or France.

Tutorial: Anonymization process for on-site use for locations outside the European Union

Ann Arbor (USA)

(Only use of additionally anonymized data possible)

University of Michigan
Institute for Social Research
ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research)
330 Packard St.
Ann Arbor, Mi 48104, USA

Contact persons: Jennifer Koski and Ambyr Amen-Ra

Phone: +1-734-647-2200
Website: and

Business hours: Mo-Fr, 9am to 5 pm by Arrangement

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Berkeley (USA)

(Only use of additionally anonymized data possible)

University of California at Berkeley
Center for Labor Economics
631 Evans Hall, MC 3880
Berkeley, CA 94720-3880, USA
Contact person: Camille Fernandez

Phone: +1 510 643-0711
Business hours: by arrangement

Cambridge (USA)

(Only use of additionally anonymized data possible)

Harvard University
Department of Economics
Littauer Center
1805 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

Contact person: Paul Millett

Phone: +1 617-599-9816

Business hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, 8 am to 4 pm

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Ithaca (USA)

(Only use of additionally anonymized data possible)

Cornell University
Cornell Center for Social Sciences (CCSS)
Room 739, Rhodes Hall, 136 Hoy Road
Ithaca, NY 14850, USA

Contact person: Elena Goloborodko

Phone: +1-607-255-4089
Business hours: by arrangement

Los Angeles (USA)

(Only use of additionally anonymized data possible)

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
California Center for Population Research at UCLA
4284 Public Affairs Bldg, MC 723603
Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
Contact person: Roger Silanoe
Phone: +1 310 206 9348

Business hours: Mo-Fr, 9am to 5 pm by Arrangement

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Princeton (USA)

(Only use of additionally anonymized data possible)

Princeton University
Industrial Relations Section
Louis A. Simpson International Bldg.
Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

Contact person: Valerie Ching

Phone: +1 609 258 7959

Business hours: Mo-Fr, 9 am to 4:30 pm by Arrangement and to fully COVID-vaccinated researchers only

Vancouver (Canada)

(Only use of additionally anonymized data possible)

Vancouver School of Economics
Faculty of Arts
6000 Iona Drive
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1L4
Contact person: Florian Hoffman

Business hours: by arrangement

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Colchester (UK)

(Only use of additionally anonymized data possible)

UK Data Archive
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Phone: +44(0)1206 872143
Business hours: Mo-Fr, 9 am to 5 pm by Arrangement

London (UK)

(Only use of additionally anonymized data possible)

University College London
Department of Economics
Drayton House
30 Gordon Street
WC1H 0AX London, UK

Phone: +44 (0)20 3549 5390

Business hours: Tuesday to Thursday: 10 am – 4:00 pm and by arrangement only

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