An update of the data product “Survey data of SOEP Core, IAB-SOEP Migration Sample, IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees and SOEP Innovation Sample linked to administrative data of the IAB” (SOEP-CMI-ADIAB) is provided jointly by the DIW Berlin and the IAB. SOEP-CMI-ADIAB 7521 includes the survey data of SOEP-Core v38.1 and the SOEP Innovation Sample 2021 linked to administrative data of the IAB up to and including the year 2021. The number of respondents with linked data has increased to 29,778. The administrative data include characteristics both on individuals and the establishments they work at.
If you would like to update the SOEP-CMI-ADIAB data in your existing project, please send us an e-mail ( Further information.