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Linked-Employer-Employee-Data of the IAB (LIAB): LIAB longitudinal model 1975-2021, version 1

DOI: 10.5164/


The Linked-Employer-Employee-Data of the IAB (LIAB) combine interviews from the IAB Establishment Panel with the related establishment and individual data generated in labour administration and social security data processing. The latter cover administrative establishment information from the Establishment History Panel (BHP) and the employment biographies of individuals employed by the interviewed establishments. The LIAB data allow for simultaneous analysis of the supply and demand side of the German labour market.

Note: The population of establishments in the LIAB LM 7521 is somewhat smaller than in the previous version, LIAB LM 7519, due to changes in the way in which the linkage consent is surveyed from 2020 onwards. The LIAB LM 7521 therefore no longer contains all the establishments surveyed in the IAB Establishment Panel.

Dataset Descriptions and Frequencies



Data Access

The Linked Employer-Employee Datasets are available via the following way of access:

On-site Use included Remote Data Access. Further information on Applying for on-site use.

With your application to LIAB we provide automatically data from the IAB Establishment Panel, the administrative individual data, and the basic module of the BHP. Further modules of BHP have to be requested explicitly in your application.

Test Data

Test data help to prepare programs ahead of on-site and remote data access. They are freely accessible over the web and therefore have to be anonymised. They shall reflect the structure of the original data as close as possible to be useful for many kinds of different analyses. As there are no universally useful test data we suggest that you adjust the test data for your purposes, e.g. if Spanish employees are in the focus of your investigation, just recode enough nationalities to Spanish.

Test data are random and therefore not eligible for analysis!

Test data (Stata) for LIAB LM 7521 (zip)

Note: The test data for the LIAB LM 7521 now include their own test-data-files for the IAB Establishment Panel.

Generation of a panel dataset

The FDZ offers a Stata do-file (zip) for the IAB Establishment Panel for combining all waves from 1993 up to the most recent wave to form a panel data set. The underlying procedure is described in FDZ Methodenreport 12/2017 (pdf). Please cite the Methodenreport when working with the do-file.

Other Working Tools

  • We provide person and establishment fixed effects (AKM effects) for this data set. To access the effects in an existing project please write us an email. Further information can be found in this FDZ-Methodenreport (pdf).
  • An English outline can be found in Schmollers Jahrbuch, 134 (2014), S. 141–148.
  • The establishment part of the LIAB data is the IAB Establishment Panel - see Working tools for the IAB Establishment Panel
  • A recommendable Introduction is given by FDZ Methodenreport 01/2008: Das IAB-Betriebspanel – von der Stichprobe über die Erhebung bis zur Hochrechnung [The IAB Establishment Panel - Sample, Survey and Weighting]
    Here you will find a detailed description of  the IAB Establishment Panel including information on the establishment number and the linkage quality.

Further working tools as the overview on classifications of economic activities, a list of upper earnings limits and marginal part-time income thresholds and papers on working with the FDZ data can be found at key working tools of the FDZ.


Researchers working with the LIAB are obligated to acknowledge the data base and its documentation within their publications, including the DOI, by using the following reference:


Graf, Tobias; Grießemer, Stephan; Köhler, Markus; Lehnert, Claudia; Moczall, Andreas; Oertel, Martina; Schmucker, Alexandra; Schneider, Andreas; Seth, Stefan; Thomsen, Ulrich; Umkehrer, Matthias: Zimmermann, Florian (2024): "Linked-Employer-Employee-Data of the IAB, Longitudinal Model – Version 7521 v1". Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). DOI: 10.5164/
The data access was provided via on-site use at the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and subsequently remote data access.

Data documentation:

  • Panahian Fard, Dina; Schmucker, Alexandra; Seth, Stefan; Umkehrer, Matthias; Zimmermann, Florian (2024): Linked-Employer-Employee-Daten des IAB: LIAB Längsschnittmodell (LIAB LM) 1975-2021. FDZ-Datenreport, 04/2024 (de), Nürnberg. DOI: 10.5164/
  • Panahian Fard, Dina; Schmucker, Alexandra; Seth, Stefan; Umkehrer, Matthias; Zimmermann, Florian (2024): Linked-Employer-Employee-Data of the IAB: LIAB Longitudinal Model (LIAB LM) 1975-2021. FDZ-Datenreport, 04/2024 (en), Nuremberg. DOI: 10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2404.en.v1

According to the FDZ Data Usage Agreement, any type of publication resulting from work with FDZ data must be reported to the FDZ by email at the latest one month after publication. The notification must include an electronic version of the printed version or, after publication, a reprint or a copy of the publication free of charge.

Data Versions

>> Further information on other versions of the LIAB datasets.