All Projects
06.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Job stability and change employer
06.01.2025 - 30.06.2027
Determinants of employee commitment in establishments with and without family-friendly policies
06.01.2025 - 30.06.2026
Data for gender research at the IAB
06.01.2025 - 30.06.2027
Do I catch them all? Evaluation of a Strategy to Identify Mothers in Register Data of the IAB
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Administration of Data Transfer Agreements 2025 (§75 SGB X)
01.03.2024 - 31.12.2026
Establishment determinants of the employment of refugees.
31.01.2024 - 27.03.2025
In-Between Family, Work and Company: Can Organizational Arrangements Help to Reconcile Family and Work Life?
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Datenübermittlungsverträge §75 SGB X 2024
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023
Datenübermittlungsverträge §75 SGB X 2023
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027
LPP-Modusexperiment Wellen 6/7
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027
SOEP-CMI survey data linked to administrative data of the IAB (SOEP-CMI-ADIAB); 2023-2027
15.10.2022 - 31.12.2026
Linked Personnel Panel wave 6 and 7
15.10.2022 - 31.12.2022
Pretest zur LPP-Zusatzbefragung kleinerer Betriebe
01.07.2022 - 30.06.2025
Business and Economic Research Data as National Data Infrastructure
02.02.2022 - 31.12.2024
Development of a Shiny dashboard to streamline data access applications
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022
Datenübermittlungsverträge §75 SGB X 2022
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2026
National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) survey data from LIfBi linked to administrative data of the IAB (NEPS-ADIAB); 2022-2026
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2026
Public funded R&D and the emerging demand for hydrogen skills
01.12.2021 - 30.06.2023
Organisation and implementation of BA-internal awareness-raising workshops "When being different is normal" at the IAB
01.11.2021 - 31.12.2025
Gender Pay Gap in compulsory student internships