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Mannheim Enterprise Panel linked to the Establishment History Panel (MUP-BHP) – Version 1020 v1

DOI: 10.5164/


Data source:

The Mannheim Enterprise Panel linked to the Establishment History Panel (MUP-BHP) is made up of cross-sectional data sets from 2010 onwards. Each cross-section includes all limited liability companies (GmbH) from the Mannheim Company Panel (MUP) and their permanent establishments throughout Germany that are recorded in the Establishment History Panel (BHP) of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) as of 31.12. This linking of establishments and businesses is based on a record linkage of the address data of the MUP held by the Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the business address data at the IAB. The individual cross-sectional data sets contain information on the establishments and companies as well as an additional file on shareholders. The data sets can be linked to form a panel.


The MUP-BHP provides information at enterprise level on the year of foundation or closure, economic sector, number of employees in the comp enterprise any, turnover and balance sheet. There is also information on the shareholders (shareholder type, shareholder share). On the establishment level, The BHP contains information about the branch of industry and the location of an establishment. Furthermore, it reports the numbers of employees liable to social security and marginal part-time employees, both in total and broken down by gender, age, occupational status, qualification and nationality. Means and medians of wages for full-time employees are given, too. Additional datasets providing information about (gross) worker flows and about foundations and closures of establishments are available on request.

Dataset Descriptions and Frequencies



Data Access

On-site Use and Remote Data Access. Further information on applying for on-site use.

Request for data access for MUP-BHP

  1. Application
    In order to submit an application for access to the weakly anonymized data in the FDZ, please fill in the "application for onsite-use" and send us the Word document via email. Please note that your application can only be processed as a Word document. The information sheet on the application contains detailed explanations of all required information. The request documents submitted are verified for compliance with the provisions of Section 282 (7) of Book III of the German Social Code by the FDZ.
  2. MUP data use agreement
    Following the approval of the application at the IAB, the conclusion of a MUP data use agreement with the Research Data Centre of the Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW-FDZ) is necessary. Please contact the ZEW-FDZ to receive further details. Please make sure that the applicant, project title and project duration are identical to the details of your approved application of the FDZ at the IAB.
  3. Final contract
    As soon as there is a valid MUP data use agreement and a final comparison of the details is finished, a contract between your institution and the FDZ of the IAB is issued that will entitle you to use the requested data via on-site use and subsequent remote data access.

Test data

Test data of the MUP-BHP are intended to enable you to write and test evaluation programs. The test data are generated by means of sampling and disassociation of the original data. They are not eligible for analysis.

The test data include all variables of the original data with the same variable name, variable label and value label. Variables which are particularly sensitive in compliance with the current data protection legislation are included in the test data, but only by request in the original data. It is possible to generate a panel over all waves but without coherence of characteristics over time.

Test data for Stata:

Other working Tools

We provide person and establishment fixed effects (AKM effects) for this data set. To access the effects in an existing project please write us an email. Further information can be found in this FDZ-Methodenreport (pdf).

A description of the corresponding data linkage can be found in FDZ-Methodenreport 03/2024 (pdf). Further working tools as the overview on classifications of economic activities, a list of upper earnings limits and marginal part-time income thresholds and papers on working with the FDZ data can be found at key working tools of the FDZ.



Diegmann, André; Doherr, Thorsten; Ehlich, Jakob; Gottschalk, Sandra; Hälbig, Mirja; Schmucker, Alexandra; Wolter, Stefanie (2024): „Mannheim Enterprise Panel linked to the Establishment History Panel (MUP-BHP) – Version 1020 v1“. Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). DOI: 10.5164/

The data access was provided via on-site use at the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and/or remote data access.

Data documentation:

  • Diegmann, André; Gottschalk, Sandra; Hälbig, Mirja; Schmucker, Alexandra; Wolter, Stefanie (2024): Mannheimer Unternehmenspanel verknüpft mit dem Betriebs-Historik-Panel des IAB 2010-2020 (MUP-BHP 1020). FDZ-Datenreport, 03/2024 (de), Nürnberg. DOI: 10.5164/
  • Diegmann, André; Gottschalk, Sandra; Hälbig, Mirja; Schmucker, Alexandra; Wolter, Stefanie (2024): The Mannheim Enterprise Panel linked to the Establishment History Panel of the IAB 2010–2020 (MUP-BHP 1020). FDZ-Datenreport, 03/2024 (en), Nürnberg. DOI: 10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2403.en.v1

According to the FDZ Data Usage Agreement, any type of publication resulting from work with FDZ data must be reported to the FDZ by email at the latest one month after publication. The notification must include an electronic version of the printed version or, after publication, a reprint or a copy of the publication free of charge.

Data Versions

>> Further information on other versions of the MUP-BHP dataset.