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GAW survey data linked to administrative data of the IAB (GAW-ADIAB)


New business formation plays an important role for economic development. Therefore, policy makers put emphasis on fostering start-up activity. Aims and scope of entrepreneurs can be very heterogeneous much as the structure of new ventures. The project “New business formation and the labor market in East and West German growth regimes” within the Collaborative Research Center (SFB 580) “Social developments in post-socialistic societies: discontinuity, tradition, structural formation” at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena investigated the development and structures of new firms. To this end, the project team conducted the GAW survey by means of computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). In total, there have been 1105 interviews with firm founders. The data include personal information on the founder and her firm. These information can be merged with administrative data of the Establishment History Panel (BHP = Betriebs-Historik Panel) of the Research Data Centre of the German Institute for Employment Research (IAB). The BHP comprises detailed information on the establishment characteristics. Therefore, the GAW survey data provide the unique opportunity to link characteristics of the entrepreneur with detailed information about his or her establishment.


Survey data:
Establishment data: characteristics of establishments which are not included in the administrative data (e.g., product innovation; R&D-cooperation), establishment development (e.g., development of product portfolio, market share, number of employees).
Characteristics of entrepreneurs: socio-demographic characteristics like age and gender, education, occupational qualification, employment history, network embeddedness (e.g., social contact with entrepreneurs, parental selfemployment, club memberships), spatial mobility over time, start-up motives, attitudes (risk behavior etc.), job and life satisfaction.
Administrative establishment data (BHP 7508):
Establishment characteristics, total number of employees, number of full-time employees, number of employees by main occupation, number of unpaid employees, number of female employees, employee age structure, division of employees by educational and vocational qualifications, division of employees by occupational status, division of employees by person group, wage structure of full-time employees; Extension file – worker flows:Total number of inflows and outflows, number of female inflows and outflows, number of inflows and outflows from movers, number of inflows and outflows by age, number of inflows and outflows by occupational status, number of outflows by seniority.
Data unit
ca. 31% of all start-ups in the sample regions between the years 2003 and 2008 (response rate).
Number of cases
1105 establishments
Period covered
Survey data:
Survey period: 2010-2011
BHP 7508:
Time reference
Survey data:
Date of survey
BHP 7508:
Reference date: 30. June
Regional structure
6 planning regions (PR):
PR1: Oberes Elbtal/Osterzgebirge (planning region number ROR: 1401)
PR2: Mittelthüringen + Ostthüringen (ROR: 1601+1603)
PR3: Westmecklenburg + Mittleres Mecklenburg/ Rostock + Mecklenburgische Seenplatte + Vorpom-mern (ROR: 1301+1302+1303+1304),
PR4: Hannover (ROR: 307)
PR5: Aachen (ROR: 501)
PR6: Schleswig-Holstein Nord + Schleswig-Holstein Ost + Schleswig-Holstein Mitte + Schleswig-Holstein Süd-West (ROR: 101+102+103+105)
Territorial allocation
Survey data:
BHP 7508:
Method of data collection
Survey data:
Personal interview by CATI-method (computer assisted telephone interviewing)
BHP 7508:
Identification of responding establishments in BHP
Institutions involved
Survey data:
CATI-Labor des Instituts für Soziologie an der FSU Jena
BHP 7508:
Social security agencies, Federal Employment Agency
Frequency of data collection
Survey data:
BHP 7508:
File architecture
Survey data:
BHP 7508:
gaw_bhp7508_2002_v1.dta … gaw_bhp7508_2008_v1.dta
gaw_bhp7508_ein_v1; gaw_bhp7508_aus_v1.dta; gaw_bhp7508_flow_v1.dta
File format and size
Survey data:
0,4 MB (Stata)
BHP 7508:
1 MB (Stata)
Data Access
On-site use and subsequent remote data access
Degree of anonymisation
weakly anonymous
Sensitive variables
Additional variables
Standards for the citation of data and data documentation
'This study uses the weakly anonymous GAW survey data linked to administra-tive data of the IAB (GAW-ADIAB). Data access was provided via on-site use at the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and/or remote data ac-cess.'
Data documentation:
Fritsch, Michael; Wyrwich, Michael; Bublitz, Elisabeth & Alina Sorgner (2015), GAW-Befragungsdaten ver-knüpft mit administrativen Daten des IAB: Datenreport zur Gründerbefragung des Projekts SFB 580 B10 „Gründungs-geschehen und Arbeitsmarkt in ost- und westdeutschen Wachstumsregimen (GAW)“, FDZ Datenreport, DR_05-16

Working tools

Dataset Descriptions

A detailed description of the dataset is available in FDZ Datenreport 05/2015 (pdf, only in German).

Frequency tables

Frequency tables (zip)

Data Access

The GAW survey data linked to administrative data of the IAB are only available for replication studies via the following ways of access:

  • On-site Use
  • Remote Data Access

If you want to use this dataset we ask you to contact us directly (