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High-frequency Online Personal Panel, wave 1-7 v2 (IAB-HOPP)

DOI: 10.5164/

The high-frequency online panel (IAB-HOPP) is also known as the "Life and Work Situations in Times of Corona" study and surveyed individuals from May 2020 to March 2021. Overall, seven waves were conducted. The data will help researchers to evaluate changes in peoples’ life during the COVID-19 pandemic, and provide long-term research opportunities on labour market consequences of the crisis. Example aspects include employment trends, short-time work, social and financial security, working hours, home office, and child care.

Dataset Descriptions, Questionnaires and Frequencies



Data Access

Scientific Use Files (SUF). Further information on Requesting a SUF.

Other Working Tools

Further working tools as papers on working with the FDZ data can be found at key working tools of the FDZ.


Researchers working with the IAB-HOPP are obligated to acknowledge the data base and its documentation within their publications, including the DOI, by using the following reference:


Volkert, Marieke; Haas, Georg-Christoph; Zins, Stefan; Bellmann, Lisa; Dummert, Sandra; Hensgen, Sophie; Ludsteck, Johannes; Müller, Bettina; Müller, Dana; Osiander, Christopher; Schmidtke, Julia; Stephan, Gesine; Trahms, Annette (2021): "High-frequency Online Personal Panel (IAB-HOPP)". Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). DOI: 10.5164/
Data access was provided via a Scientific Use File supplied by the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB).

Data documentation:

  • Volkert, Marieke; Haas, Georg-Christoph; Zins, Stefan; Bellmann, Lisa; Dummert, Sandra; Hensgen, Sophie; Ludsteck, Johannes; Müller, Bettina; Müller, Dana; Osiander, Christopher; Schmidtke, Julia; Stephan, Gesine; Trahms, Annette (2021). Dokumentation und Codebuch für das Hochfrequente Online Personen Panel "Leben und Erwerbstätigkeit in Zeiten von Corona" (IAB-HOPP, Welle 1–7). FDZ-Datenreport, 04/2021 (de), Nürnberg. DOI: 10.5164/

According to the FDZ Data Usage Agreement, any type of publication resulting from work with FDZ data must be reported to the FDZ by email at the latest one month after publication. The notification must include an electronic version of the printed version or, after publication, a reprint or a copy of the publication free of charge.

Data Versions

>> Further information on other versions of the IAB-HOPP datasets.