Unit-Nonresponse bei erstbefragten Betrieben im IAB-Betriebspanel
"The aim of this paper is to analyze unit-nonresponse for establishments surveyed for the first time in the IAB Establishment Panel. Therefore a theoretical framework is presented which helps to explain nonresponse in establishment surveys. Empirical results mainly confirm this framework. If the respondent has the authority to provide relevant information and is able to give reliable answers to the questions with a justifiable amount of effort, participation is less frequently refused. Both aspects are highly correlated with establishment size and the complexity of the firm. It can also be shown that experienced and professional interviewers are more successful in recruiting firms to take part in the survey. However this result only holds for smaller establishments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Janik, F. (2011): Unit-Nonresponse bei erstbefragten Betrieben im IAB-Betriebspanel. (FDZ-Methodenreport 04/2011 (de)), Nürnberg, 23 p.